Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mid Autumn Festival - Moon Cakes

Moon Cakes Freshly Baked from Oven

Snow Skin Low Sugar White Lotus Single Yolk

Mid Autumn Festival - Mooncakes is coming really soon.

Once again, S u S a n 's kitchen gonna be getting very busy with orders. Thanks to continuous supporters:)

Signature S u S a n 's Mooncake are :-

1.Low Sugar White Lotus with Single Yolk

2.Low Sugar Lotus Paste with Single Yolk

3.Low SugarPandan Lotus with Single Yolk

4.Assorted Fruits Nuts with Hams

5.Red Bean Paste

6.Snow Skin White Lotus with Single Yolk

7.Snow Skin Low Sugar Lotus with Single Yolk
8.Snow Skin Low Sugar Pandan Lotus with Single Yolk

9.Snow Skin Red Bean

10.Gong Chai Peng with Gula Melaka Coconut Filling

On top of the above mentioned flavours, S u S a n 's also cater for other flavours upon request from clients. You may choose to request for Bing Bei Mooncake or Snow Skin Mooncake other then normal baked mooncake.

Price List for Lotus with Single Yolk Mooncake :-

Box of 4's = RM 46.90

Box of 2's = RM 25.90

Box of 1 = RM 12.90

Price List for Lotus with Double Yolks Mooncake :-

Box of 4's = RM 50.90

Box of 2's = RM 27.90

Box of 1 = RM 13.90

Price List for Assorted Fruits Nuts with Hams :-

Box of 4's = RM 55.90

Box of 2's = RM 29.90

Box of 1 = RM 14.90

Price List for Red Bean Paste Mooncake :-

Box of 4's = RM 35.90

Box of 2's = RM 16.90

Box of 1 = RM 8.90

Gong Chai Peng with Gula Melaka Coconut Filling = RM1.20 per piece

Reminder for you again, all the Lotus Mooncake is “ Homemade ” and in " Low Sugar & Oils " for health purposes.

Any enquiries, pls feel free to give me a buzz at

S u S a n 's will tried her best to fulfill client request.

Thank you:)